Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Walk According to the Spirit

Taken from notes from a teaching by Mike Bickle on "How to Walk According to the Spirit".

We live according to the Spirit:
  • By living by what the Word says concerning who we are in our spirit in Christ. ("But He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him." 1 Cor 6:17)
  • By living with awareness of our born-again spirit that has been made righteous. ("If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation... that we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor 5:17-21)
  • By continually dialoguing with the indwelling Spirit.
  • By the confession of faith, that is, speaking back to the Lord what He has said about our spirits.
  • By growing in confidence that we are enjoyed by God.
  • By using the authority of the name of Jesus to stand against the works of darkness in our lives and in others'.
  • By being aware of our commission or divine assignment that gives us real purpose
We live according to the flesh:
  • By living in ignorance and unbelief about who we are in Christ.
  • By our primary orientation to life coming from our natural experiences (bodily appetites, five senses, emotions, and circumstances) without any reference to the truths of the Word.
  • By approaching God with condemnation and with a sense of defeat and intimidation when sinful desires arise in us.
  • By filling our minds with immoral things that stir up lust.
  • By speaking things, going places, and yielding to peer pressure that comes from friends walking in sin.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Royal Air Force / St Louis

The Battle of Britain in World War 2 was Germany's campaign to gain air superiority over Britain in order to pave the way for a ground invasion; it was the first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces. The German Air Force had many more planes and pilots than did the Royal Air Force, and yet they failed to accomplish their goal. Germany's failure in this campaign was considered its first major defeat and one of the main turning points of World War 2. Who was it that held the highly trained and numerous Luftwaffe in check and maintained Britain's air supremacy? It was the Royal Air Force, a company small in number and inefficiently trained. What secured their victory? Among other things, radar intelligence (a new development that Germany had not yet integrated) and a willingness to die for their cause. Many of them lost their lives, and it was of these men that Winston Churchill proclaimed "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

In St Louis for the past three weeks, a small company of young intercessors met and covenanted together to lay down their lives for their country. They had received a word that they were like the RAF - that there was a battle in the air (the spiritual realm) over America, and though the enemy was great, the battle could be won. The keys to the battle would be intelligence (getting revelation from heaven about what God wanted to do and how He wanted to do it) and a willingness to lay down their lives to see God's will done. These keys, mixed with humility, worship, purity and obedience would ensure victory.

This company entered into 21 days of seeking God with fasting, worship and praise, receiving many dreams that gave them specific prayer direction, and seeing answers to prayer take place following their prayers. One such testimony was the day they received direction to pray that the many "adult" businesses on I-70 between Kansas City and St Louis would be shut down. The following day the governor of Missouri signed a bill severely limiting these establishments. Seeing the answer to a prayer in the next day's news gave them faith to pray all the prayers the Lord gave them, though they may not see immediate visible results. The primary focus of most of this company's prayers was to see 100,000 salvations and healings in the homosexual community. The word of the Lord was that these testimonies would be instrumental in turning America back to righteousness before it's too late. The fruit of most of those prayers is yet to be seen, but I believe they will be seen in America.

Radiant was privileged to serve that small band of people by leading prayer and worship sets. It was an honor to work and pray along side of those who would give their lives to see many in bondage set free. Lord, remember the prayers and sacrifices of your saints; let the Lamb receive the reward of His sufferings in America. Send revival, send salvation, bring healing, for Your Name's sake.

It has been said that "history belongs to the intercessors." America is in a desperate time; when one takes in the way wickedness is abounding, even to the point of the legalization of the murder of unborn babies and the forced acceptance of all kinds of sin, it seems like certain defeat. But could it be that the tide could be turned by a few who are radically obedient to God? Just a few who will fast and pray, dream dreams from heaven, and pray the promises of God until angels are released, demonic strongholds shake and crash to the ground, and millions are set free from sin. I want to be one of these few. How about you?

Dare to believe it. Your prayers can move mountains!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Belated Updated

Despite the spurts of motivation I experience to keep my blog current, the reality remains that I am just intimidated by the thought of boiling my life and thougths down into a few good points and fashioning them into paragraphs, so I end up procrastinating the task. At some point I will learn how to do this well. I am not there yet. : ) But anyhow, below is a short video of a few testimonies from our Texas tour.

This tour was marked by tons of healings! Maybe the most profound story came when a team member was asked to pray over the phone for a girl who was in a coma, dying of cancer. She had said her goodbyes to her family, and the doctors were sure she wouldn’t wake up. But when he prayed, she immediately woke up singing, and was able to talk and eat and sing all that day. A friend with leukemia in the same hospital came into her room and put her hand on the girl, was instantly healed of leukemia and was discharged from the hospital that same day! Praise the Lord! That tangible release of healing power is what we’re praying will increase across the nation, resulting in harvest.

Currently we are finishing out a 21 day prayer strike in St Louis, MO. More on that soon... I hope. : )

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Texas Tour Day 1

Last night was a great way to start off a tour. After an extended time of high praise and worship, which ended with spontaneous singing and dancing and rejoicing before the Lord in joy and freedom, Richy gave a specific altar call for those needing to give their lives to the Lord. About 10 people responded to come into right relationship with God. Praise Jesus! Angels are rejoicing!

After this, we invited trEd Prophetic Dance to come and do a piece on spiritual warfare and the overcoming Church. The weight of the Presence of the Lord came into the room and as the Radiant team then came forward to prophesy and minister to individuals. There was a release of joy (the wine of the Spirit) and fire before we did any individual ministry at all. Then we prayed for healing for those who had back pain and several people went away with no pain. Then we prophesied and prayed for nearly the whole room, including all who needed physical healing.

The service went til 11:30, and it was all just great quality ministry. Thanks Lord!

See where else we're going to be this week below. Would love to see ya there!

Friday, May 14, 2010

As Mary

In the stillness
I wait
You are always speaking

Maybe if I sit
And look and listen
I will hear You

For a word
As sweet as honey
I will wait

And waiting
And watching
And loving
Oh the sweetness
As I gaze

For You are worthy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our Prayers, Another's Deliverance

"Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that this will turn
out for my deliverance through your prayers and the
provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ," Phil 1:19

Recently I was talking to a friend and she began to share her brother's story with me. Her brother was a believer who had struggled with homosexuality for a number of years. He fought with it but was unable to find deliverance in the church, in freedom programs and counseling, even in fasting. He became discouraged and is now living the lifestyle fully.

The story broke my heart. That a man who is searching for deliverance in the church and from the Lord with fasting would not be able to get free. That the spirit of homosexuality would be able to cling to a man who wants freedom. I wondered if a group of believers had joined with him in fasting and prayer, demonic influence would have been held at bay long enough for him to be fully delivered and established in freedom. It has launched me into a time of intensified prayer for those bound in this specific sin, which I have seen to be so controlling, but which I know must bow to the name and the authority of Jesus.

Paul was confident of his salvation and deliverance from prison based on two things: the prayers of the saints and the provision of the Spirit of Christ. I am encouraged to believe that my prayers release a fuller measure of the provision of the Spirit to aid struggling men and women to freedom from their emotional and spiritual prisons.

How many souls can be saved if we, the Church, take up the cause of our struggling brothers and sisters, and through prayer and fasting hold back demons and release provision? Let's try it and see! : )

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today I mowed the lawn. Now, I am a person of relatively small stature and build. Pushing a 50-70lb pile of metal on tiny wheels up and down hills and over rocks and around stumps in the sun represents a bit of a challenge for me, but for some reason I cannot bring myself to abdicate the responsibility. Maybe it's that I'm unwilling to be defeated... or maybe somebody along the way taught me that if don't give up when you do hard things now, you'll be able to do harder things later.

When you persevere, you gain victory in each moment by setting your face like flint and not quitting. Before you know it, you look back and see you've conquered a whole hill. And you're energized to go after the one ahead, which just happens to be a little steeper. : ) In the end, the righteous Judge "will render to each person according to his deeds: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life." (Rom 2:6,7) If you don't quit, you win!


Radiant is heading out tomorrow for a 12 day trip to the North and to the East! Check out the schedule below, and pray with us for breakthrough, salvations, deliverance and healings!